Category: News

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Urinary Incontinence: Practical Tips for Everyday Life

Urinary incontinence—the involuntary leakage of urine—can significantly affect a person’s daily life, causing discomfort, embarrassment, and anxiety. While medical treatments can help, lifestyle changes play a crucial role in managing symptoms and improving quality of life.

The good news? From dietary adjustments to bladder training and weight management, simple changes can make a big difference. Below, we look at several practical tips to help you take control of urinary incontinence and regain confidence in everyday activities.

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Most Common Vasectomy Misconceptions

Mention the “V” word around some men, and all you will see after that is the back of their heads. There are so many myths and misconceptions about vasectomies, many men don’t even want to hear the word, let alone any explanations or additional information. That’s disappointing, since it is the most effective type of birth control. Stay seated, stay calm, and let us clear up the common vasectomy misconceptions.

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What’s The Difference Between BPH And Prostate Cancer?

What’s the difference between BPH and prostate cancer? The most important difference is that BPH, or an enlarged prostate gland, is not cancerous. It doesn’t mean you won’t ever get prostate cancer, but an enlarged prostate is a common condition as men get older. Let’s explain further.

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How Kidney Cancer Is Diagnosed and Treated

Most people diagnosed with kidney cancer are between 55 and 74, and twice as many men get kidney cancer as women. It is estimated that almost 82,000 new kidney cancer cases will be diagnosed in 2024 and over 14,000 people will die from the disease. It is more common among African Americans, American Indians, and Alaskan native people. Let’s take a look at how kidney cancer is diagnosed and treated.

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED) And Summer Heat: What You Should Know

An occasional problem with sexual performance is nothing to be overly concerned about. However, if it persists and becomes more frequent, there might be something physical going on. If it occurs more repeatedly during the summer months, heat can be the culprit. Erectile dysfunction (ED) and summer heat: what you should know. Continue reading “Erectile Dysfunction (ED) And Summer Heat: What You Should Know”

How Is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?

How is erectile dysfunction diagnosed? It is typically done through the process of elimination. There are so many factors involved in getting and maintaining an erection firm enough to have sexual relations, your doctor will test one possibility at a time to finally reach the real cause. Only then can proper treatment be provided.

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What Is Bladder Training for Urinary Incontinence?

Regardless of the reason, having urinary incontinence is embarrassing and let’s face it, you feel like you have lost control of your body. It’s humiliating, but things don’t have to stay this way. Take advantage of all the positive treatments and lifestyle changes you can pursue. You can regain control. What is bladder training for urinary incontinence? Let’s start here.

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Male Sexual Problems Over 65: What to Know

Anyone over 65 can relate to you in excruciating detail all their aches, pains, and health problems that come with aging. What they won’t admit is that their sex drive may have decreased a bit over the years. It’s not surprising that they wouldn’t want to admit that, but it’s a topic that should be addressed. There are many, many reasons this occurs. Male sexual problems over 65: what to know.

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