Category: News

How Is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?

How is erectile dysfunction diagnosed? It is typically done through the process of elimination. There are so many factors involved in getting and maintaining an erection firm enough to have sexual relations, your doctor will test one possibility at a time to finally reach the real cause. Only then can proper treatment be provided.

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What Is Bladder Training for Urinary Incontinence?

Regardless of the reason, having urinary incontinence is embarrassing and let’s face it, you feel like you have lost control of your body. It’s humiliating, but things don’t have to stay this way. Take advantage of all the positive treatments and lifestyle changes you can pursue. You can regain control. What is bladder training for urinary incontinence? Let’s start here.

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Male Sexual Problems Over 65: What to Know

Anyone over 65 can relate to you in excruciating detail all their aches, pains, and health problems that come with aging. What they won’t admit is that their sex drive may have decreased a bit over the years. It’s not surprising that they wouldn’t want to admit that, but it’s a topic that should be addressed. There are many, many reasons this occurs. Male sexual problems over 65: what to know.

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Do You Know The Five Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer?

Do you know that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American men next to skin cancer? Do you know that the prostate is a vital part of a man’s reproductive system? Do you know men can have both benign and cancerous growths in the prostate gland? Most importantly, do you know the five warning signs of prostate cancer? Every man should know when to take action.

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Is Erectile Dysfunction A Warning Sign Of Prostate Cancer?

Is erectile dysfunction a warning sign of prostate cancer? It is unfortunate that although prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer in men, there are few if any early symptoms. Regular screenings by your doctor are the best way to head off the development of prostate cancer, but there are a few warning signs every man should understand and be aware of.

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